Cape Star

Subject: Letter-M. Nash
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 22:55:14

Dear Sir

It appears that the despicable gun control lobby firmly believes in lies, lies and more lies.

M. Nash in a typical flood of utter rubbish dotted with half truths yet again shows the blood soaked hands of gun control. In their ideological zeal to remove citizens rights so they might be saved.

If anybody is irresponsible then that must lay firmly at the door of gun control organisations and nowhere else. That firearm owners as a group are responsible is irrefutable. Government statistics clearly indicate this and gun owners have no need of research from such irresponsible sources as the HSRC and Soul City.

Clearly what M. Nash deliberately avoided informing the public was the complete failure of gun control to control crime. That no were in the world is there a successful example of gun control reducing crime. One would hope that such obvious lack of success would be an indicator to all of the false claims of the criminals friends, gun control.

Yet government pretends to be unaware of this failure, it is another lie that unchallenged will lead to the erosion of more constitutional rights.

Subject: Having a gun increases the danger to owner
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 21:27:18

Dear Sir/Madam

Rev. Greg Andrews chairperson of GFSA, Grief For South Africa. Most assuredly knows nothing other than what the propagandistic organisation he chairs has told him.

Peddling hate speech and promoting victim disarmament will do nothing other than make the criminal workplace safer. Therefore the aims and intents of GFSA are inline with criminal advancement. Why this organisation of zealots believes that the removal of licenced firearms will somehow rehabilitate criminals. Turning them into model citizens, is the eight wonder of the world.

Possibly Rev. Andrews has partaken of to much holy water because he no longer sees with clarity what any clear thinking person can. If firearms are a danger to the user, then best we take them from the police and army now, before they injure themselves and others. If firearms are a useful and safe tool for the police in defense against criminals and army in defense of the country. Then it is immoral that law abiding citizens be denied the use for sporting, recreation and self-defense.

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