Cape Argus

Subject: Censorship
Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 00:04:32

Dear Sir

Your printing once again of the unfounded views of gun control without giving space to opposing facts is censorship of the worst kind and not unlike that practised by every tyrant including Adolph Hitler.

If gun control advocates were in Nazi Germany they would have been loading Jews on to the cattle trains. Happy that they were doing good for the country. So thoroughly are their minds controlled by the propaganda of gun control lobby organisations. Advocating the total removal of firearms from citizens but not criminals. In the false belief that such removal will somehow magically produce a better and safer society. Nothing could be further from the truth. Their lies and deceit know no bounds as is their pathological hatred of guns and gun owners. The continuous usage of the propaganda techniques of Adolph Hitler to promote public emotional support is evident to anyone who has even a cursory knowledge of propaganda.

This is an open challenge to the Cape Argus and Faried Esack to produce one shred of evidence that will stand up to reasonable and published examination. That there is a causal relationship between firearms and crime. I also invite both to produce an example of the success of gun control in reducing crime.

Without doubt there have been many, many attempts throughout the world over a long period of time to reduce crime with gun control legislation. Therefor the list of successes that can be drawn upon if the ideology of gun control propagandists is true, should be long and illustrious. Where is the list? How many failures are needed to convince people of this false ideology?

If South African society as a whole committed as much crime as licenced firearm owners the violent crime rate would be more than 60 times lower. This is as much a reason to oppress firearm owners as Hitler had for persecuting Jews. Is this the image the Cape Argus wishes to create for itself?

Is the absence of even a single success of gun control not clear enough evidence for the Cape Argus? Or is it to busy promoting the propaganda of gun control to care about truth and integrity. A publication that has no regard for such ideals and would deliberately and knowingly promote crime in the face of evidence to show this as the only result of gun control does not deserve the readership of honest thinking people.

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